
At our Garden Center, we offer a diverse array of perennial plants that bring lasting beauty and resilience to your garden. Perennials are the foundation of any sustainable landscape, returning year after year with their enduring charm and distinctive traits.

Our selection includes a wide range of perennials carefully chosen to thrive in our local climate and soil conditions. Whether you're seeking low-maintenance options, colorful blooms, or unique textures, our Garden Center is your destination for premium perennial plants.

We offer a wide variety of perennials ranging from an array of colors of ornamental grasses, coneflowers, daylilies, phlox, catmint, columbine, hostas, sedum, dianthus, allium, bee balm, and many more. We love to keep plants that you might not commonly find.

Flowers at the Garden Center in La Crosse

Have you recently planted new plants in your garden? Take a moment to explore our New Plants Care Guide to learn the best practices for maintaining your plants. Click here to access the guide.

If you're ready to elevate your outdoor area but need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. You can fill out our "Ask Our Experts" form, give us a call at (608) 571-2298, or visit our Garden Center today. We're here to help you turn your landscape ideas into a reality!

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RCL Garden Center

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